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  • 3 min read

    “When recruiting, we spend a lot of time really focusing on the parents. It’s not just about the talent on the court, it’s about the character off the court. That includes the family.”
    - Danny Hurley, UCONN Basketball

    Master Your Game with Top College Prep Drills

    Possible Shooting Drills for Individual/ Team Workouts to prepare for college 

    #1      3 in a row shooting (total 2:00)

    •  Player starts in one corner with a rebounder under the hoop
    •  Only one basketball should be used (have another available in case shot bounces off)
    •  A player must make 3 consecutive shots before they can move to the next spot (5 spots onfloor are corner, wing, top, wing, corner)
    •  When a player gets all the way around they yell time and you mark down the time (ie. 1:09)
    •  Might need to adjust time so they can get it some time, but our guards get it most of thetime and the record is 57 seconds
    •  You can tell your players they need to make it a certain amount of times to be allowed to shoot in games
    #2      Extend Shooting (total 6:00)
    •  2’s are worth 2points 3’s are worth 3. (passer is also the counter)
    •  Need one rebounder, one passer, and one shooter (2 basketballs)
    •  Shooter should start with a ball, and the passer should start with a ball
    • The shooter shoots the ball and go’s back and forth in an elbow to elbow type rhythm while catching passes from the passer.
    • The shooter will stay short (moving back and forth) for one minute and then you will yell extend, and the shooter will move back to the three point line for one minute and continue the same process only each shot is now worth 3 points.
    • After the minute you yell rotate and the shooter moves to the elbow and does elbow to elbow for a minute, and then on the extend call moves back to the three point line on the extend call while the passer continues to keep score.
    •  The process is continuing on the opposite side on the rotate call, and the score is added up. 
    •  A good score is 100 or more, a good college score is in the 140’s
    •  After the process, you can have the rebounder become the passer and the passer the shooter
    •  You can also concentrate on how good the pass is and if the rebounder is letting the ball hit the ground or not
    #3      One spot 5 minutes shooting
    • One ball and one rebounder
    • The shooter shoots in one spot continuous for 5 straight minutes and you count the score
    •  Best way to get the score you are looking for is to have your best shooters shoot a practice round. This score can be used as a baseline for a goal.
    • Make people who want to shoot threes hit certain number in drill to be allowed in games
    #4      Five spots 1 minute shooting
    •  Same as before only now you are shooting in each of the five spots around the perimeter for one minute each.
    • One shooter, one rebounder
    #5     Cone Shooting
    •  Each player starts at half court, and goes 10 times before the next person is up
    •  There are 5 cones placed around the floor
    🡺 Short Corner extended’
    🡺 Foul line extended
    🡺 Top of the key
    🡺 Foul line extended
    🡺 Short Corner extended
    • The first player in line runs to the right corner (Foul line extended and shoots a catch and shoot jump shot
    • Make or miss he then sprints back to half court and then sprints to the cone that is foul line extended and shoots another catch and shoot jump shot
    • Again make or miss he sprints back to half court and sprints to the top of the key for a catch and shoot jump shot
    • Again make or miss he sprints back to half court and then sprints to the opposite short corner extended cone
    • Following the shot he again sprints to half court and then sprints to the foul line extended shot for a catch and shoot jump shot

    🡺 This action is repeated the second time through only the player takes one dribble to the right and pulls up at each spot, and on the third time through the player takes one dribble to the left and pulls up after sprinting to the cone.


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